Tagged: PE

Blood on the Streets? 0

Blood on the Streets?

Today was a record breaking day in many aspects. The opening gap down for instance, we last saw something bigger way back in 2007. The net change for the day was a 3.5 standard deviation of daily returns, something we last saw in 2008. Not a single Nifty stock ended in positive territory, not even defensive stocks which got hit...

Comparing PE Ratio of Sensex & Nifty 1

Comparing PE Ratio of Sensex & Nifty

For a long time, we looked at only one Index when it came to the Indian Markets and that was the Sensex. Even years after Nifty had come into the picture, Sensex reigned supreme. While Bombay Stock Exchange is the oldest exchange in Asia, when it came to the Sensex, the whole concept is fairly recent  having been first compiled in...

This time its different #Nifty 0

This time its different #Nifty

After weeks of nightmares about how to fund today’s Marked to Market margin, Bears finally had something to be happy with Nifty cracking by 1.3% by end of day. While a 1% fall in markets should be common enough, it was something that was missed in the last 24 days. In a bull market, one is told that the best...

A easy way to make money in markets 1

A easy way to make money in markets

Is making money in markets easy? Well, its both Yes and No. Yes, if you are positioned rightly, making money is as easy as pie. And No, that does not mean that money can be made without a process driven approach and definitely not by trying the luck in markets when the whole herd of sheep is headed that way....

Are the markets expensive 0

Are the markets expensive

With Nifty rising by nearly 23% from the low registered in late August, the question on top of the mind is whether markets are way over-valued compared to historical values. One way to measure valuation is by PE and here I have plotted the CNX Nifty PE since 2000 with Standard Deviations (1,2) on either side. As on date, we...