Tagged: Technical Analysis

Fundamental investing vs Technical investing 4

Fundamental investing vs Technical investing

The question as to whether Fundamental or Technical is the right approach to investing is as old as the hills with there being no clear answer on which is better ideology to follow. I have blogged multiple times on how random portfolio’s have worked wonders as well and given the laziness of the approach, it makes one wonder whether we are...

The Wake up Call for Technical Analysis 0

The Wake up Call for Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis has never been seen as a viable tool for generating income / wealth from the markets and the number of jokes surrounding that are legion to say the least. The Oracle of Omaha once said and I quote ” “I realized technical analysis didn’t work when I turned the charts upside down and didn’t get a different answer.”...

Howard Marks critique of Technical Analysis 1

Howard Marks critique of Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis is a nice punching bowl for most seasoned analysts and fund managers. Howard Marks in his book, “The Most Important Thing” suggests that its not a worthwhile strategy in not more than 300 words. I myself despite being a follower of Technical Analysis for quite some time do not take at face value all the bull shit that...

In Defense of Technical Analysis 0

In Defense of Technical Analysis

One of the ways to beat down a strategy is to apply it wrongly and claim since the results does not match expectations, the strategy has to be wrong. Technical Analysis has its faults and there is no denying that. But claiming that those who use technical analysis as the tool of choice tend to have their performances drag down...

Thoughts on Technical Analysis 1

Thoughts on Technical Analysis

The wonderful thing with technical analysis is as Arthur Conan Doyle wrote in Sherlock Holmes and I quote “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.”  Depending upon our perceived bias, its easier using technical analysis to get the outcome we desire. So,...