Category: Commentary


70 Experts Share the Most Important Lesson

When podcasts first got started, it was interesting to hear. Great investors we knew about only in books or articles came to talk about a variety of things. Learning became interesting. Today, we are overwhelmed by content, and this includes podcasts. On any given day, I assume there are hundreds of new podcasts that are churned out. some good but...


Value vs Quality vs Momentum

I got introduced to Technical Analysis by way of an accident during the time of the Dot Com bubble and I fell in love with it. I loved it for both the simplicity and the fact that the answers were binary in nature with very little between. Pure Technical Analysis though is as discretionary as with any other strategy. Buy...


3 Years of Momentum Investing

When 2020 started, I had this strong belief that both career wise and portfolio wise, this decade will be the standout in my life. For the first time after being in markets for more than 2 decades as an investor and trader, I was finally comfortable investing based on a strategy that not just appealed to me, was accepted academically...


Misplaced Anger

With Equity Markets taking a beating, Questions are being raised about the efficiency of pure Equity funds with even AMC heads these days promoting Balanced / Dynamic / Asset Management funds as the better alternative for they haven’t fallen as much as Equity. Of course, given the fact that most of these fund houses run larger pure equity funds, the...