Category: Asset Allocation


Save Early or Lose Substantially?

An often repeated mantra is that if you don’t start saving early, you end up losing tremendously. You cannot argue with a statement like that , especially when it’s backed by evidence of the difference in returns if you start at 20 or start at 30. Keeping in mind my skepticism with much of what goes around as “gyan”, I...


The (in)ability to Act

There is a famous saying by Mike Tyson Everybody has a plan until they get hit. Then, like a rat, they stop in fear and freeze. As Investors, it’s easy to quote  Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own. Baron Rothschild but as another famous quote goes In theory there is no difference...


Debt – Invest in Long Term Funds or Short Term

In 1996, IFCI came out with Family Bonds. OF the many options it provided, one that interested me and one I had my family invest was Millionaire Bonds (Option 1) with a face value of 10,000 per Bond.  As the name itself proclaimed, an investment of Ten Thousand would result in a final maturity amount of 1 Million. The investment...


Backtesting Asset Allocation

Asset Allocation is the cornerstone of every investor. A good asset allocation is something that allows you to comfortably sleep at night. A bad asset allocation on the other hand gives you heartaches with higher volatility while not exactly meeting your goals either. When it comes to basic asset allocation, you can go in two ways – the fixed method...


How to plan for your Retirement if you don’t have One Crore Rupees

The other day I was reading a blog post where the author claimed that even 1 Crore in savings is not enough to sustain a good life (assumption being monthly expenses of 50K per month). But how many (I am sure that if you are reading this, you have already reached the 1 Cr mark in savings or sure you...


Prudential Asset Allocation

Few days back, this tweet by Muthukrishnan caught my eye. Had a long chat with a SME client last evening. He is temporarily shutting down his business as he has one year receivables pending. He says his clients are honest but are in genuine distress. He is stopping SIPs today. Going to live on emergency fund which would last a...


Asset Allocation & Models

In 2015, I wrote a small post introducing the Portfolio-Yoga Asset Allocator. Introducing Portfolio Yoga – Asset Allocator While the model in itself has undergone a change once, given the dichotomy with the current allocation and the market trends, I felt that a post was required to help better understand the model and how to use it as a guide...